An innovative molecular biology technology has led to the DNA revolutionary screening technique, which has paved the way to the new era of tailored-made medication. This is a new milestone for the prevention medicine. In line with our important mission is to contribute to the society, Oxford offers you a personalized genetic testing, protecting your health at every important stage of your life. Ranging from cancer genetic testing, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, cardiac sudden death, non-invasive chromosome tests and even personality and talent genetic testing, we analyze your inherited disease risk, so that you understand your body condition, and treasure you and your family’s health.
Our physician team will interpret your personal gene code, and you will have a clear picture of your own inherited disease risks. Based on your individual test results, our physician will provide you with professional advice, guideline and tailor-made treatments, improve your life style, avoid diseases, reduce medical costs, and improve the quality of life.
Oxford allows you to access the healthy sustainable way of life. Take only one time genetic test in your entire life, and you will know the secret of keeping up health and wellness.