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 奧地利國立維也納音樂暨表演藝術大學長笛碩士,榮獲《奧地利國際室內樂慶典優勝獎》以及《奧地利ORF國家廣播電台獎》兩大獎項!榮獲ORF國家廣播電台邀請錄製個人音樂會特別節目,節目中首度演出國內知名留法女作曲家洪千惠作品《王昭君》。石雅如師承Prof.János Bálint、Prof. Barbara Gisler-Hasse、徐芝珉、吳啟章、賴英里等知名長笛家。旅奧期間任教於奧地利Herzogenburg 音樂學院,返國至今曾任教實踐大學音樂系、三和國中、新竹建華國中、中平國中、新竹教育大學。石雅如著有碩士論文『針對普魯士二世Friedrich 一百首長笛練習曲教育觀念及看法之特別解析』,更參與歐洲多國如奧地利、義大利、盧森堡、匈牙利等長笛獨奏及室內樂、樂團合作演出,近期亦受國內台新文化藝術基金、花蓮文化局於《花蓮國際音樂節~洄瀾音樂列車》等各地邀約演出、不定期舉辦多次大師班、雙長笛大賽、Flute Spa教師聯誼。石雅如曾接受德國大眾日報『Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung』,記者Oliver Klemept專訪,中國時報音樂時代雜誌,警察廣播電台,漢聲廣播電台,公共電視台,教育廣播電台中央廣播電台、大愛電視台等節目演出專訪, 2008年發行首張石雅如「PUZZLE拼圖」古典長笛演奏專輯, 2013年底發行第二張「阮JU」石雅如台灣民謠長笛演奏專輯, 2014 年5月應''山富旅遊"邀請於《皇家加勒比海洋航行者號遊輪》〝La Scala 大劇院〞以及〝皇家購物大道〞八場巡演共四十多首曲目,並於日本溫泉城市別府進行音樂快閃國民外交,【石雅如遊輪巡演日誌】全程影片紀錄。2015新年,發行第三張「石雅如MUSIC JOURNEY長笛魔女的音樂旅程」、「石雅如遊輪巡演日誌DVD」、著有「音樂魔法臉書」,2014年9月受邀與二胡音樂家葉維仁國樂新視界」於國家演奏廳演出、2015年5月於敦南誠品、忠誠誠品舉行專輯音樂分享會、商演邀約如《社團法人中華民國風濕病醫學年會晚宴》、《寒舍艾美酒店晚宴》等。公益義演如快樂兒童節~宮崎駿動漫音樂會》藍迪兒童之家關懷義演、《嚮愛.享愛》愛愛院老人養護中心慈善義演、《天使有愛.人間有情》關懷腦性麻痺天使愛心園遊會募款專輯義賣等。2014年起拓展藝術工作領域,多方從事音樂影像製作擔綱導演、剪接,目前為推展音樂與世界偏鄉地區孩童發聲「小孩在唱歌RADIW KU WAWA」公益紀錄片,於2015年5月展開籌募拍攝。現為君石長笛樂坊團長、日本真珠長笛Pearl Flute官方網站亞洲區長笛演奏家
Facebook粉絲專頁:石雅如 Shih Ya Ju

 Shih Ya Ju  

Ms. Shih has a masters degree in music, specializing in flute from the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. She is also the winner of two major awards, the Outstanding Performance Award from the Allegro Vivo Sommerakademie Preisträger in Austria and the Österreichische Rundfunk(ORF)Preisträger. Ms. Shih was also invited by the ORF to record a solo concert. Ms. Shih has learned from many esteemed flute players including Professor János Bálint, Professor Babara Müller-Hasse. she taught in Musikschule Herzogenburg, Austria. Ms. Shih has also held solo concerts and participated in chamber music or orchestra concerts in many European countries including Austria, Italy, Luxembourg, Hungary and Taiwan. Recently she also accepted invitations from local organizations such as the Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture and the Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau to perform at events such as the Hualien International Music Festival – Hueilan Music Train.  She has also engaged in various music events, including several “Master Classes”, the Duo Flute Competition, and “Flute Spa” for teachers.  In addition, she received the interview of Oliver Klemept on behalf of Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung, a German newspaper, as well as special interviews from China Times, Music Times Magazine, the Police Broadcasting Service of Taiwan, the Voice of Han Broadcasting Network, the Public Television Service, and DaAi TV. Her first classic flute album, “Puzzle”, was released in 2008 and the second Taiwanese folksongs flute album,“JU”,was released in 2013.May 2014,RICHMOND TOURS invite her In the"Royal Caribbean Voyager of the Seas cruise ship""La Scala Theatre" and"Le Promenade"performed eight concerts. Ms. Shih is currently the director of the Queensflute as well as one of the “Asian Artists” on the Pearl Flute official website.